
Financial planners provide two services.

The first is the actual financial planning. This provides a roadmap that guides your financial decisions. Planning addresses life’s risks (death, disability) and looks to optimize opportunities (cash flow, taxes).

The second service involves building/managing an investment portfolio (that aligns with your plan). The alignment with your plan is a key consideration that is too often overlooked.

There are many ways to provide (and charge) for financial planning/investment management services. Fees for all services (both financial planning AND investment management) on hours rather than commissions or a percentage of assets (AUM).

You shouldn’t jump to investments without a plan! Yet many financial advisors are happy to sell you something before completing a plan.


Financial Planning

This is a simple process when not bogged down by emotions. Our job is to share the ‘numbers answer’. You’ll likely be more emotionally impacted (understandable it is your money). Your plan shows the following:

  • Discover if you are ‘on track’ (with suggestions for improvement).

  • How you’ll pay your bills in retirement (or save for retirement).

  • Your projected tax obligation/strategy (both now and future).

  • How changes to the plan impact its projected success (run scenarios).


Investment Advice

Once your plan is complete, you need to implement an investment portfolio. You can hire Disciplined Money to manage assets or continue to manage your own after your plan is complete.

  • Management is based on hours rather than the typical 1% AUM fee.

  • Planning updates and investment management impact each other.

  • No account minimum.

  • You are welcome to manage your own assets if you prefer.


Hourly updates (as needed)

Life changes. Markets become volatile. Tax laws change. Your cash flow needs (saving or spending) change. When life happens, it is a good idea to review the assumptions and projections of your plan.

  • Typically about half the time of the initial plan (and half the fee).

  • Allows you to update your plan without giving up investment control.

  • Great fit for those with smaller balances (starting out).

  • Continuation of services based on hours rather than a percentage of assets.